Monday, January 2, 2012

New Tumblr Name/Updates!

SO sorry for not posting in a while, I've just been really busy with the holidays and riding.
Updates with online stuff:
New Tumblr name: heartlessmemory (go follow if you haven't already, please!) Click this to take you to my tumblr.
I'm getting tired of posting all the links at the bottom of every post, so I'm thinking that I will make one post of all my links, and then just link to that at the end, and update it every time I change/get something new.
Youtube is going great! I'm at 91 subscribers at the moment, and when I get to 100 there will be a special video! Subscribe to my channel for updates!

Riding updates:
I've been riding as much as I can over winter break, but sadly I have to go back to school tomorrow (sometimes I miss the homeschool days). I've been riding around 2-4 horses a day, depending on who else is out to help me, and there's usually more, but my parents say that it is beneficial for me to sleep occasionally. Jeb has been really great lately and we have progressed and matured a lot as far as being more consistent and really just improving as a team. I know that I will show him all year this year, but I am unsure of when my pony days will come to a close (very sad, but I'm still growing). In our last lesson, I had some trouble with distances at the beginning, but after a few minutes I started seeing them and ended up doing 3'3'', which Jeb thought was a breeze. I've really enjoyed working with all the ponies and horses lately, and it is pretty interesting to go from a 16 hand horse to a small pony then back to a horse, but there have been no problems so far.
My next show will most likely be in January. Don't quote me on that though, because I'm not really sure yet.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy new year!
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