Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"Again, congratulations on qualifying! Have a great time as you continue your winning ways at the 2011 USEF Pony Finals! Very truly yours, David O' Connor"

Countdown to USEF Pony Finals 2011: 14 DAYS!
You don't even understand how excited I am! I hope everyone has a GREAT time, and remember you're a winner regardless of how you do, you have to be to even qualify!

I got my two large (green and regular) qualification letters a few months back, and I got my medal qualification letter a few days back!
I can't wait to meet some new friends and see all of my pony friends!

The Road to Pony Finals 2011 by tontoscout

Riding on the beach was SOSO much fun!
Pony Finals 2011!



Charleston: Week t w o

Hey everybody! I apologize for the gap in posting, I was so busy at the horse show and now I've been getting ready for Kentucky.
Soo.. week two. Jeb was AMAZING!  (As always!)
Thursday: In Schooling Pony Hunter we got a red ribbon! In 12-14 Eq we got 5th and 6th! I was the only pony and it was tough competition so I was happy! We got a 66 in the WIHS Medal, and it wasn't my best round, but, I learned from it. In the USEF we had an okay round, but I was happy to finish the course after our last show. We ended up 5th in the Washington, and 6th in the USEF.
Friday/ Saturday: We were 2nd in the model! Over fences Jeb and I ended up 1st, 2nd, 2nd, and 3rd. We were first in the hack, and Reserve Champion! We had an 83 and a 76 classic score and we got 2nd! Also, we were Reserve Grand Kahuna Pony Champion.
Really pretty ribbon!
Now for some more pictures!
Riding in the water!
We went pretty far out!

Lots of fun!!

It was super pretty so my mom took some pictures under the tree!

best ponyever<3

Jeb is adorable!

I really hope we can go back next year!

Jeb was so good!
So, the show was REALLY fun and I met some really awesome people!



Charleston: Week Uno.

Ahhh Jeb was amazing!! Friday we had Schooling Pony and 12-14 eq. Schooling pony was GREAT! we got a blue ribbon! In equitation I was the only pony but Jeb and I had a pretty good round! Saturday we had a model  and 2 green over fences. We were fifth in the model, but it was the first model I had done before so I was happy with it. Over fences we were 2nd and 4th. Sunday we had 2 over fences, the classic, and the hack. We were fourth and fourth over fences, 4th in the classic and 2nd in the hack. I was so happy with this show because it was a great comeback from our last show.  I'll be making a video of this week so stay tuned to my youtube.

"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat." - Malcom S. Forbes


Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hey! Guess what?! I leave for CHARLESTON tomorrow!  YAYYY! But, packing has come up again.... gross. Jeb was good yesterday when I rode him! I have a lesson on him later. I already rode Dixie and Luca today. Dixie was AWESOME!! She's been having some trouble but she was perfect for me today! She is back to her normal self (yay!!) We  jumped 2'6'' (she's a medium, FYI!) Luca was great also, but we didn't jump. I'll be up in Charleston before Jeb gets there. (Not very happy about that.)
 Packing is the worst, but I love this RJ Classics Duffel Bag!
RJ Classics Sterling Aqua Bag

It's SO cute! You can even get garment, boot, bridle, saddle and helmet bags to go with it! That's great if you're like me who wants everything to match.

High Line Seersucker Full-Seat Riding Breeches
I also LOVE these breeches that I found. They're awesome! The ultra preppy seersucker breeches are perfect for me.

Baker Elite Full Seat Breeches

And another thing on my wish list,  if you like Baker stuff like me you'll love their Baker Breeches. And, both are available in full seat and knee patch.

I'll update you on Jeb [hopefully] later tonight.

New videos up on YouTube!
Follow me on twitter please!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to Normal!

After Brownland, I took Sunday off to think about what had happened. I realize that it was my fault, and Jeb did exactly what I told him to, which was to not jump because I took my leg off.

Monday the 4th, I had a lesson that went great! We are back up to jumping 2'9'' and I've been supporting with my hands and my legs. I'll have a lesson everyday until Friday, when I leave for Charleston! I'll be there for two weeks, and I'm going up a few days early to have some vacation time. I can't wait!

Now, I'd like to say thank you to my trainer, my family, and my friends for being so supportive of me with everything I do, even when I mess up like I did this past weekend. Nobody was ever negative, it was always "tomorrow will be better" or "I know you can do it." Honestly, without this support I would not be where I am today. My pony is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't even begin to describe what he means to me. Whenever anything is wrong, he's always there, and he never judges. Jeb just listens, and always manages to make me laugh, even on my worst days. So thank you Jeb!

I was lucky enough to be included in this video by jumpersofthesky.  Thanks for including me in it!

"If you never lose then you can never appreciate the victories."- Laura Twitchell

"Victory isn't defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, 'I did the best I could, I gave everything I had,' then you're a winner." - Wolfgang Schadler

"Courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid but being able to control that fear so you are able to perform at your highest ability. That's what makes a champion." - Cory Lester

"Being the best that you can be is possible only if your desire to be a champion is greater than your fear of failure." -Sammy Lee

Nothing is ever impossible! Don't ever let anyone ever tell you that you can't.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rough Day!

Well, today was slightly better, except for I fell off this time. My schooling round was great, but then in the EQ round I did the same thing as yesterday. Jeb avoided stepping on my shoulder, but he grazed it. I have some bruises but I am okay. The medics checked me out and made sure nothing was wrong. Jeb was also fine.

We scratched all my other classes, and afterwards I schooled again and we were great.
 Once again, you can't let things get to your head.

 “The only real failure in life is the failure to try.” - Sven Goran Eriksson
“Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something.”- Frederick Smith

